viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015


We decided to make an invention and this invention is a mix of the HoloLens from Microsoft but whit a big change, this big change is that we are going to use contact lenses instead of glasses. This start it because we find cool Microsoft invention but we were asking why they use a big glasses for something very technological, so we decided to make our own brand of this glasses but with the change that we just use contact lenses.

The contact lenses have a microchip that when put it in your eye, this microchip will connect to your brain, you don’t have to do anything the contact lenses do everything. We use contact lenses because they are more comfortable and we can use and maybe no one can see that we have that.
So when you are wearing the contact lenses is the time when Holograms start working, and now you can whatever you think if you let the permission, if other person doesn’t have the contact  lenses he or she will not be able to see your Holograms.

In your life you can use this invention to many things for example imagine that you want to change the color of your car but you don’t have the idea how is going to look, so just imagine and reflected in an hologram and then you will how your car will see. Another thing that this invention have is like a tv, I mean you can just throw to a wall in your home the window of video and you will your favorite programs.


Past Perfect

Past Perfect

One day we were in class as a regular day but the teacher decided to give a past form to explain we were in groups of five and our topic was Past Perfect so I am going to explain how this past form works.
So basically first you have to know that past perfect is to talk about a completed actioned that happened before another action in the past, so it is to talk about two actions in the past.
This time line is very useful because you can see how it works.

·         She took out a DVD, but I had already seen it.
As you can see one action happen before the other one, another thing that you have to know is the structure:
                                Subject+ had+ Past Participle

For the past participle you have to learn the irregular verbs because most of them change.



Nowadays companies produce a lot of things just to satisfied humans, but do you know how bad production for our planet is, I am going to explain you why this is just a bad thing for our planet based on a video we watched in class, and I invite you to join the side of no production.

The first step is that they have to cut trees and take some rocks or whatever for two reasons; one because they need the space to build the company and the other one is because they use the resources of the nature to make the company work let’s think like gas for their machines, so how damage the companies are making to the world if they are taking all the resources.

Then they use this resources to make products, and this products are contaminated with toxic things the big problem here is what is going to happen when we decide to put this products on the garbage so the garbage company take the bags full of toxic things and put in the place they put the trash if this place is like a land we are contaminating the ground but what if the place they throw the garbage is the ocean, now we are contaminating the sea and this sea is where so many animals live.

Next they put the products that they have made in supermarkets or stores to sell it, they are so smart because the put like cheap prices to keep the move of the last 2 steps I told you, I mean they put everything on sale so that is how they get the money to produce more, and when they produce more, there is going to be more of the first two steps.

Father Romero

Father Romero

This movie was about a men who was fighting a lot for the rights of the people in El Salvador, this man was a reverend and he assume the charge of monsignor of this country. The problem was that this country was in a civil war they were to bands the church and the guerrilla which was the most powerful because they use violence to be respect, they killed too much people just because they were against them.
So the movie is the story of Father Romero and how he became so popular in that country, he had a lot of followers that were fighting with him, the problem was that most of the followers got killed because they were against the guerrilla. This guerrilla was composed for the army and most of the powerful man of the country, so basically we can talk about corruption because the powerful people just want to keep making money with some business, they didn’t take care of the people that lived in El Salvador.

The movie is totally based on a real story, I mean this happened in El Salvador believe it or not, father Romero was always fighting for humans rights that is why he was always against the Guerrilla because they didn’t care they just kill and kill. 24 of March in 1980 father Romero got shot when he was in the church giving mass, suddenly someone came into the church and kill him, he know is considered as a Saint, Saint Romero.

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015


This movie is about a group of seven retirement people that decided to go to India and spent a time there, the interesting thing here is that in India the things were really different, and that was not all when they arrive to the hotel this wasn’t the same hotel that they saw in pictures, but in the hotel was and Indian guy very optimistic, is so amazing how he just try to make things better like he call the place The best exotic Marigold Hotel, which name was not the best name to the hotel because it was like an old place with no doors and windows.

So the situation was not good at all for the group but they already have paid for some days in there. The interesting is that every of the group make a story in there just one female was complaining all the movie, other ones did it but while the movie is going they changed. Also some of them find a job and they did a good job working, for me that is a good message for everybody because many companies think that if you are old you are useless.

The movie is kind of confusing sometimes but it has a strange way to turn the situation and all the things start getting better, you should see this movie is very cool and it gives you things that you have to learn. Because sometimes things can be bad but you never know when this can change, and the way the Indian guy see everything is just amazing he have been fighting a lot for his dream.

100 years from now

Future is something that we all thing because we have like a sensation about what will happen in a few years. Imagine that in the future maybe we are going to have a cars that fly or we will use tele transportation, so that is why I am interesting in write about future, we can be excited about the future but some people feel afraid.

For me future will be technology but what is going to happen if we already have holograms, if we have some robots, I do not know what will happen what is coming. I think that one invention that must of the people wait is the flying car, I do not have the idea why people would like to have this but it has pros and cons, some pros can be that it will be less cars in the streets or you will get so easy to some place, and some cons can be that it will be danger because imagine if you hit another car you will go down as the airplanes do, or how you will control the traffic, I mean it would be a big change.

It could be so good to have technology that can help us but I am really afraid about robots, because imagine that they can do things that humans do but with no errors, are we going to lose our jobs? If you hadn’t thought about this, I think it is right now that you have to thing about this because we have the power to control and create robots, we shouldn’t let they do our job!

Future in terms of technology it will have a big change but it is our decision how we are going to use this, that can be a big progress or our conviction.

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Funny Scene

All the clase had to brought a funny scene that we have seen in a movieor tv series, so i decided to show them this part of the movie Bruce Almighty, a movie where the main actor is Jim Carrey. This movie is about one guy Bruce (Jim Carrey) that God gave him the chance to be God for a day because he was always saying that God was bad with him, so God came and gave him his powers that is why in the video you can se how Bruce control Evan (a reporter that Bruce hate) and make him have a bad day in work.

In my opinion Jim Carrey is one of the most funny guys in movies he is just a different guy with a humor that can be seen by all the family. He is very famous because his face is kind of funny and the things that he can do with his face is just amazing.


Be green!

In one class we were talking about recycle and how important is for our life and for the future generations. So for this topic we made a survey related to this, in my teamwork we just made easy questions, but the results are unbelievable, here I’m going to show the result we got. This survey was made to 17 students of ULACIT.


This question was so easy but incredible must of the people did not know the meaning, so im going to show the colors and what type of material you will have to in there.
Green: Glass containers 
Orange: Organic
Yellow: Plastic and cans
Blue: Paper or cardboard.


It was good to hear that a lot of people cultivate some things for their homes, and that was the aswer we wanted to get.


This was a question that suppose to have seventeens in all the materials because they all can be recycle, so how we are going to recycle if we do not have the idea what can be recycle.


In this one we got just one goog answer that mention something about Kolbi beacuse if you do not know they recieve the phones and they make a processto recycle them.


Most of the people in this question did not know the 3 r or just knew 2 of them. Just to be clear the 3r are reuse, reduce and recycle.


So happy to hear that must of the people recycle but the porblem is what are they recycling if they sometimos do not know what can be recycle.


This question is hard for everybody because we all always want to be in the wave of fashion, so we are going to buy whatever thing comes just to surf in that wave.


Most of the people use plastics bags that it is a ban thing we should have our own bags or just put everything in the car without bags.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Present Perfect

This form of the verb is use to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important.

                    Subject+ aux have/has+ past participle

To learn this the teacher gave us the homework that was making a oral presentation i am going to show you my presentation and explain you about that.

Firstable is important to know that the presentation was about achievements and goal that we have done.

As you can se the sentence have an example of the present Perfect and this achievement was so important for me because y have like half of my family living in the US so i went there and met all of them what for me was just an amazing expirience.

I have stayed in US 6 months what was an incredible expirience I went to a lot of places and visit family there so in my life it could be one of the most important period.

I have Finished high school that was in 2012 in Colegio Santa Maria de Guadalupe, where i studied since eight grade.

As I told you in my first blog this my hobby and i have done many cocktails with differents types of liqour.

For goals we are going to see a little change because is future and we have to add will before have.

Essay 3

Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a country located in America, specifically in Central America between Panama and Nicaragua, is one of the most beautiful countries in the world because it has a lot of forest and the country 93% of the land is green. If you are going to come to Costa Rica, first You have to learn some basics words like “pura vida”, these two words are using for everything in the country as example to say hello, to say how someone feel, to say goodbye, for everything; other word you have to learn is “mae” this word means every person in the country is pretty similar to dude, those are just two basics words.
Food in Costa Rica is based on rice and beans, most of the typical plates here have those two ingredients, as example “Gallo pinto”, that is a mix of rice and beans and is one of the most famous dishes in this country, most common eat it in breakfast. In other hand there is some many typical dishes that are not based in rice and beans in case you don’t eat those, for example “Patacones” that is fried banana but when they are green, in Costa Rica you can find a lot of different dishes for any kind of likes, of course you will find meet pork chicken and those plates that are very common in the hole world.
This beautiful country have a lot of places that you can visit but most of them are nature places. Beaches are one of the most attractive places to visit, people love them because they are hot and the water is kind of cold but not too much, and some of them can have a few people, that is other thing that tourist like because they say that they can have privacy. But not all in Costa Rica is beach, the rain forest is just an amazing nature place, that you cannot miss if you visit here it is pretty because, you find green in every place and also you can see things that are not common to look in other places like waterfalls or wild animals like monkeys, some birds, sloths and others.
In Costa Rica transportation is pretty useful, but as all the countries you will find traffic jams, the important thing here is that you have 3 possibilities to go to places. First you can use a car that you rent and that could be the easier way but the most expensive. Second one is, use a cab this is not as expensive as rent a car but it is more expensive than the last one, use buses this can be so useful and cheap, it is very useful because you can go to any place in the country using the bus.
Come to Costa Rica we are waiting for tourist I bet you will love this small country where you will feel so comfortable and people will be good with you, I read one article that says don’t go to Costa Rica because if you go you will like to stay forever!

Essay 2

Teenage is maybe the most important in the way to become a good human, in this phase of your live is where you can learn vital things that can make you be a better person in the future. It is important to enjoy in a good way because here you are going to learn how society is with you and also how you have to be with them. But things have changed and now is this phase for young boys and girls is kind of hard to live it, but also there are reasons why this is the most beautiful phase in everybody life.
Nowadays not all the people enjoy their teenage there are so many reasons why they cannot deal with it, and one of the main reasons is the bullying; been a teenage can be easy for people who have passed this, but in the present it is not for the teenagers, the only reason for have a good teenage is if your kind of pretty and if you are the popular one; if you do not have those characteristics I bet you are going to have problems with no reason but in every teenage group there is always someone who likes to make bullying for the people that are kind of different.
Other thing that for me it is bad but maybe they do not realize it is for them is the cellphone, young guys in this days they care too mucho for this device and they do not think how bad is to just care about that, and how they are losing things that have happened in front of them and they not even saw what happen. I just want to say something does the cellphone will give you back all the moments that you waste or just did not pay attention?
But not all the things in this part of life are bad there are so many reasons to enjoy the teenage and one of the most important is that your body can let you make so many things because you have so much energy, other one is that you don’t have so many things to care about as the adults do that is why you have to enjoy as much as you can this part because in a few years you’ll be an adult and that is when you will get more responsibilities and also you will not have too much free time.
Being a teenage you have to take one of the most important decision in your life, I am talking about your career in college, you will have to choose what are you going to study and that is probably the hardest choice in your life as a teenager. That is so important because is a decision that will have a consequence in the future because that decision of what career you choose in simple words will be the work you will have in the future and the rest of your life. So you better make a good decision here, and just study what you like don’t let anybody force you to study what they want.

As conclusion I want to say that teenage is very important for your life this where you will have good memories. In other hand you also want to have a big change because in this phase you start thinking as a child and when the years go by you will end thinking as adult. As a final tip don’t let anybody try to destroy this chapter because in the future you will like to have the best memories of the teenage

Essay 1

Life is cool and everybody have to enjoy it, but in every life we have things that can make our life hard and that is when you have to be always positive and never give up. As humans, we always have goals and dreams, those things become a purpose in your life and make you give your best to achieve them. The thing here is that you always have challenges in your life and those can make you forget about the goals you will want to achieve. I am going to talk about how I have reach, the challenges that were in the road of my dreams.
All my life I have played soccer and as all the sports you have to be patient because always you have to deal with challenges, and that is the great thing in sports. I have played for soccer teams in San Isidro, Heredia; but I found one called Estrella Roja, the trainer called me to go and play with that team and I accept.
 When I get there it was like a normal team but with something really different they were like a family, and for me that was strange because in a soccer team it is hard to see that everybody has a good relationship. But well this team was perfect for every soccer player, we were in a tournament the first year (LINAFA), this tournament was for all the country, so it was hard to win it. But we think that it was not impossible, and we try it. First we have to win the region of Heredia and we did it then after winning in Heredia, the next step was play against the best 32 teams in the country, the thing is that you play against another team and the one who lose the game, has to go home.
So we started the second round and after winning the first game we were like “Oh God we did it”, the next round will be the best 16 of the country, and we made it again, now we were in the best 8 of the country, the challenge here was that we did not have enough money, but we made things that gave us earn money. We went to the next round against Hatillo and we lost the first game 2-0 in our home, but we still had a chance if we won the game 3-0 in Hatillo´s soccer field we will pass the round, that was a big challenge but not impossible we have trained all the week for that game, the trainer gave us motivational speeches.
In the game, we were winning 2-0 and by the 80 minute of the game, we scored another goal, which was unbelievable. Now we were in the best 4nthe next step was to play against Saprissa , we lost again 2-0 the first game, but in the Estadio Ricardo Saprissa, we tied the game, and then we went to extra time, in the first extra time we scored 2 goals and that was how we won that game and qualify to the final.
The final was one the best experience I have had as a soccer player, we have to enter to the game as the professional soccer player do, yes! With the fair play flag and the teams flags walking thru the field; the first game we lost by one goal, and in the second game we lost 2-1, we could not made it and Liberia was the winner of the tournament and we were the second place. It was very sad but then thinking about it I decided that we were not losers I mean it was so hard to get to the final but we were the second best team in a tournament for all the country.      


My name is Daniel Segura Guevara I live in San Isidro, I have been living for 17 years here. I’m studying system engineering this is my second year in the university, I’m a man who like to have friends because I’m a very friendly guy always trying to meet new people! Another important in my life is my family I will do anything for my family, in my home we are 5 my dad and mom, and two brothers I’m the youngest.

Somethings that I like is play soccer I have been playing since I remember, and play videogames is other thing that I like to do, to be honest I spent a lot of time in videogames. Other thing that I like to do is cocktails, I have done many cocktails around 30, I always make when we have a party or a meeting, I ask the people what do they want most of the people say I would like something with tequila, vodka, rum whisky… I mean they don’t ask for a cocktail so I just make something with the liquor they want for example if they want tequila I can make margarita, bloody Maria, tequila bum bum, tequila sunrise, tequila Puerto Vallarta… So that is my life as a “family bartender” I will like to have my own bar some day.