sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Be green!

In one class we were talking about recycle and how important is for our life and for the future generations. So for this topic we made a survey related to this, in my teamwork we just made easy questions, but the results are unbelievable, here I’m going to show the result we got. This survey was made to 17 students of ULACIT.


This question was so easy but incredible must of the people did not know the meaning, so im going to show the colors and what type of material you will have to in there.
Green: Glass containers 
Orange: Organic
Yellow: Plastic and cans
Blue: Paper or cardboard.


It was good to hear that a lot of people cultivate some things for their homes, and that was the aswer we wanted to get.


This was a question that suppose to have seventeens in all the materials because they all can be recycle, so how we are going to recycle if we do not have the idea what can be recycle.


In this one we got just one goog answer that mention something about Kolbi beacuse if you do not know they recieve the phones and they make a processto recycle them.


Most of the people in this question did not know the 3 r or just knew 2 of them. Just to be clear the 3r are reuse, reduce and recycle.


So happy to hear that must of the people recycle but the porblem is what are they recycling if they sometimos do not know what can be recycle.


This question is hard for everybody because we all always want to be in the wave of fashion, so we are going to buy whatever thing comes just to surf in that wave.


Most of the people use plastics bags that it is a ban thing we should have our own bags or just put everything in the car without bags.

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