martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Essay 2

Teenage is maybe the most important in the way to become a good human, in this phase of your live is where you can learn vital things that can make you be a better person in the future. It is important to enjoy in a good way because here you are going to learn how society is with you and also how you have to be with them. But things have changed and now is this phase for young boys and girls is kind of hard to live it, but also there are reasons why this is the most beautiful phase in everybody life.
Nowadays not all the people enjoy their teenage there are so many reasons why they cannot deal with it, and one of the main reasons is the bullying; been a teenage can be easy for people who have passed this, but in the present it is not for the teenagers, the only reason for have a good teenage is if your kind of pretty and if you are the popular one; if you do not have those characteristics I bet you are going to have problems with no reason but in every teenage group there is always someone who likes to make bullying for the people that are kind of different.
Other thing that for me it is bad but maybe they do not realize it is for them is the cellphone, young guys in this days they care too mucho for this device and they do not think how bad is to just care about that, and how they are losing things that have happened in front of them and they not even saw what happen. I just want to say something does the cellphone will give you back all the moments that you waste or just did not pay attention?
But not all the things in this part of life are bad there are so many reasons to enjoy the teenage and one of the most important is that your body can let you make so many things because you have so much energy, other one is that you don’t have so many things to care about as the adults do that is why you have to enjoy as much as you can this part because in a few years you’ll be an adult and that is when you will get more responsibilities and also you will not have too much free time.
Being a teenage you have to take one of the most important decision in your life, I am talking about your career in college, you will have to choose what are you going to study and that is probably the hardest choice in your life as a teenager. That is so important because is a decision that will have a consequence in the future because that decision of what career you choose in simple words will be the work you will have in the future and the rest of your life. So you better make a good decision here, and just study what you like don’t let anybody force you to study what they want.

As conclusion I want to say that teenage is very important for your life this where you will have good memories. In other hand you also want to have a big change because in this phase you start thinking as a child and when the years go by you will end thinking as adult. As a final tip don’t let anybody try to destroy this chapter because in the future you will like to have the best memories of the teenage

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