martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Essay 3

Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a country located in America, specifically in Central America between Panama and Nicaragua, is one of the most beautiful countries in the world because it has a lot of forest and the country 93% of the land is green. If you are going to come to Costa Rica, first You have to learn some basics words like “pura vida”, these two words are using for everything in the country as example to say hello, to say how someone feel, to say goodbye, for everything; other word you have to learn is “mae” this word means every person in the country is pretty similar to dude, those are just two basics words.
Food in Costa Rica is based on rice and beans, most of the typical plates here have those two ingredients, as example “Gallo pinto”, that is a mix of rice and beans and is one of the most famous dishes in this country, most common eat it in breakfast. In other hand there is some many typical dishes that are not based in rice and beans in case you don’t eat those, for example “Patacones” that is fried banana but when they are green, in Costa Rica you can find a lot of different dishes for any kind of likes, of course you will find meet pork chicken and those plates that are very common in the hole world.
This beautiful country have a lot of places that you can visit but most of them are nature places. Beaches are one of the most attractive places to visit, people love them because they are hot and the water is kind of cold but not too much, and some of them can have a few people, that is other thing that tourist like because they say that they can have privacy. But not all in Costa Rica is beach, the rain forest is just an amazing nature place, that you cannot miss if you visit here it is pretty because, you find green in every place and also you can see things that are not common to look in other places like waterfalls or wild animals like monkeys, some birds, sloths and others.
In Costa Rica transportation is pretty useful, but as all the countries you will find traffic jams, the important thing here is that you have 3 possibilities to go to places. First you can use a car that you rent and that could be the easier way but the most expensive. Second one is, use a cab this is not as expensive as rent a car but it is more expensive than the last one, use buses this can be so useful and cheap, it is very useful because you can go to any place in the country using the bus.
Come to Costa Rica we are waiting for tourist I bet you will love this small country where you will feel so comfortable and people will be good with you, I read one article that says don’t go to Costa Rica because if you go you will like to stay forever!

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