domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

100 years from now

Future is something that we all thing because we have like a sensation about what will happen in a few years. Imagine that in the future maybe we are going to have a cars that fly or we will use tele transportation, so that is why I am interesting in write about future, we can be excited about the future but some people feel afraid.

For me future will be technology but what is going to happen if we already have holograms, if we have some robots, I do not know what will happen what is coming. I think that one invention that must of the people wait is the flying car, I do not have the idea why people would like to have this but it has pros and cons, some pros can be that it will be less cars in the streets or you will get so easy to some place, and some cons can be that it will be danger because imagine if you hit another car you will go down as the airplanes do, or how you will control the traffic, I mean it would be a big change.

It could be so good to have technology that can help us but I am really afraid about robots, because imagine that they can do things that humans do but with no errors, are we going to lose our jobs? If you hadn’t thought about this, I think it is right now that you have to thing about this because we have the power to control and create robots, we shouldn’t let they do our job!

Future in terms of technology it will have a big change but it is our decision how we are going to use this, that can be a big progress or our conviction.

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