viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015



Nowadays companies produce a lot of things just to satisfied humans, but do you know how bad production for our planet is, I am going to explain you why this is just a bad thing for our planet based on a video we watched in class, and I invite you to join the side of no production.

The first step is that they have to cut trees and take some rocks or whatever for two reasons; one because they need the space to build the company and the other one is because they use the resources of the nature to make the company work let’s think like gas for their machines, so how damage the companies are making to the world if they are taking all the resources.

Then they use this resources to make products, and this products are contaminated with toxic things the big problem here is what is going to happen when we decide to put this products on the garbage so the garbage company take the bags full of toxic things and put in the place they put the trash if this place is like a land we are contaminating the ground but what if the place they throw the garbage is the ocean, now we are contaminating the sea and this sea is where so many animals live.

Next they put the products that they have made in supermarkets or stores to sell it, they are so smart because the put like cheap prices to keep the move of the last 2 steps I told you, I mean they put everything on sale so that is how they get the money to produce more, and when they produce more, there is going to be more of the first two steps.

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